
International Journal


(38) S Lee, Y.Kim, H Jung, J Lee, J Lim, K Nam, H Choi, B Kwak, Bone-on-a-Chip Simulating Bone Metastasis in Osteoporosis, Biofabrication (SCIE, IF 8.2), In press

(37) S Lee, H Jung, J Lee, Y Kim, J Chung, H Kim, J Lim, K Nam, Y Lim, H Choi, B Kwak, Parathyroid-on-a-Chip Simulating Parathyroid Hormone Secretion in Response to Calcium Concentration, Lab on a Chip (SCIE, IF 6.1), 24, 3243 (2024.06.05) (Link)

(36) S Lee, C Woo, H Jung, K Nam, J Lim, B Kwak, Formation Pattern Analysis of Spheroid Formed by a Droplet-based Microfluidic System for Predicting the Aggressiveness of Tumor Cells, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (SCIE, IF 5.67), 10, 2477-2485 (2024.03.14) (Link)

(35) J Lee, Y Kim, J Lim, H Jung, G Castellani, F Piccinini, B Kwak, Optimization of Tumor Spheroid Preparation and Morphological Analysis for Drug Evaluation, Biochip Journal (SCIE, IF 4.3), 18, 160-169 (2024.02.21) (Link) (Selected as front cover)

(34) F Piccinini, L Drudi, J Pyun, M Lee, B Kwak, B Ku, A Carbonaro, G Martinelli, G Castellani, Two Dimensional Segmentation Fusion Tool: an extensible, free-to use, user-friendly tool for combining different bidimensional segmentations, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (SCIE, IF 5.7), Volume 12 - 2024 | doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2024.1339723, (Link)


(33) S Hong, K Chang, C Woo, H Kim, B Kwak, B Park, K Nam, Evaluation of antibody drug delivery efficiency via nebulizer in various airway models and breathing patterns, BMC Parmacology and Toxicology (SCIE, IF 2.9), 24:70 (2023.12.01), (Link)

(32) Y Kim, J Lee, S Lee, H Jung, B Kwak, Anisotropic tumor spheroid remission with binary tumor-microenvironment-on-a-chip, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 12.6), 115787 (2023.10.24), (Link)


(31) B Kwak, J Choi, J Lim, J Byeon, Coaxial multiphase flame for continuous-flow assembly of ternary nanocomposite photocatalysts, Advanced Functional Materials (SCIE, IF 18.808), 2110471 (2022.02.04), (Link)


(30) B Kwak, J Choi, J Lim, J Byeon, Combining plug-in devices for reconfigurable removal of trichloroethylene and heavy metal ion in aqueous solution: Application and biosafety of iron-iron sulfide and its composites, Journal of Cleaner Production (SCIE, IF 9.297), 314, 128069 (2021.09.10) (Link)

(29) N. A. B. Zulkifli, W Jeong, M Kim, C Kim, K Woo, B Kwak, S Lee, Highly Reliable Magnetic-based Pressure Sensor utilizing Simple Microstructured PDMS: Mechanical and Design Analysis via Finite Element Analysis, IEEE Sensors Journal (SCIE, IF 3.073), (Link)


(28) W Jeong, G Gwon, J Ha, D Kim, K Eom, J Park, S Kang, B Kwak, J Hong, S Lee, D Hyun, S Lee, Enhancing the conductivity of PEDOT:PSS films for biomedical applications via hydrothermal treatment, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 10.618), 171, 112717 (2020.10.09) (Link)

(27) J Lee, B Kwak, Simultaneous on-chip isolation and characterization of circulating tumor cell sub-populations,  Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 10.618), 168, 112564 (2020.08.28) (Link)


(26) K Kwon, H Gwak, K Hyun, B Kwak, H Jung, High-throughput microfluidic chip for magnetic enrichment and photothermal DNA extraction of foodborne bacteria, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (SCIE, IF 7.460), 294, 62-68 (2019.05.10) (Link)

(25) H Gwak, J Kim, S Cha, Y Cheon, S Kim, B Kwak, K Hyun, H Jung, On-chip isolation and enrichment of circulating cell-free DNA using microfluidic device, Biomicrofluidics (SCIE, IF 2.800), 13, 2, 024113 (2019.03.29)  (Link)


(24) H Gwak1, J Kim, L Kashefi-Kheyrabadi, B Kwak, K Hyun, H Jung, Progress in Circulating Tumor Cell Research Using Microfluidic Devices, Micromachines (SCIE, IF 2.891), 9, 353-374 (2018.07.14)  (Link)

(23) K Hyun, H Gwak, J Lee, B Kwak*, H Jung*, Salivary Exosome and Cell-Free DNA for Cancer Detection, Micromachines (SCIE, IF 2.891), 9, 340-343 (2018.07.04) Select as Front Cover. (Link)

(22) B Kwak1, Y Lee1, J Lee, S Lee*, J Lim*, Mass fabrication of uniform sized 3D tumor spheroid using high-throughput microfluidic system, Journal of Controlled Release (SCIE, IF 9.776), 275, 201-207 (2018.02.21) (Link)

(21) B Kwak1, S Lee1, J Lee, J Lee, J Cho, H Woo, Y Heo*, Hydrodynamic blood cell separation using fishbone shaped microchannel for circulating tumor cells enrichment, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (SCIE, IF 7.460), 261, 38-43 (2018.01.30) (Link)

(20) B Kwak1, J Lee1, J Lee, HS Kim, S Kang*, Y Lee*, Spiral shape microfluidic channel for selective isolating of heterogenic circulating tumor cells, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 10.618), 101, 311-316 (2018.03.15) (Link)

(19) Y Kim1, G Obinata, B Kwak, J Jung, S Lee*, Vision-based fluid-type tactile sensor for measurements on biological tissues, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing (SCIE, IF 2.022) 56 (2), 297-305 (2018.02) (Link)


(18) K Kwon1, J Park, K Hyun, B Kwak, D Yong, J Hwang, H Jung*, Continuous adsorption and photothermal lysis of airborne bacteria using a gold-nanoparticle-embedded-geometrically activated surface interaction (gold-GASI) chip, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (SCIE, IF 7.460), 248, 580-588 (2017.09.01) (Link)

(17) S Lee1, S Choi, K Kwon, N Bae, B Kwak, W Cho, S Lee, H Jung*, A photothermal biosensor for detection of C-reactive protein in human saliva, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (SCIE, IF 7.460), 246, 471-476 (2017.07.01) (Link)

(16) B Kwak1, *, J Lee, D Lee, K Lee, O Kwon, S Kang, Y Kim, Selective isolation of magnetic nanoparticle-mediated heterogeneity subpopulation of circulating tumor cells using magnetic gradient based microfluidic system, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 10.618), 88, 153-158 (2017.02.15) (Link)


(15) O Kwon1, K Lee, B Kwak, J Yun, K Jeong, D Lee*, Fully automated molecular diagnosis by a novel cartridge-based platform, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (SCIE, IF 1.378), 17 (5), 597-601 (2016.05.01) (Link)


(14) O Kwon1, J Yoon, K Jeong, D Lee, K Lee, B Kwak*, Development of a self-contained sample preparation cartridge for automated PCR testing, BioChip Journal (SCIE, IF 2.309), 9 (4), 300-305 (2015.12.01) (Link)

(13) S Choi1, J Lee, B Kwak, Y Kim, J Lee, J Choi, H Jung*, Signal amplification in a microfluidic paper-based analytical device (µ-PAD) by confinement of the fluidic flow, BioChip Journal (SCIE, IF 2.309), 9 (2), 116-123 (2015.06.01) (Link)


(12) B Kwak1, A Ozcelikkale, C Shin, K Park, B Han*, Simulation of complex transport of nanoparticles around a tumor using tumor-microenvironment-on-chip, Journal of Controlled Release (SCIE, IF 9.776), 194, 157-167 (2014.11.28) (Link)

(11) C Yi1, J Lee, B Kwak, M Lin, H Kim, H Jung*, Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus using sialic acid expression of erythrocyte and a microfluidic resistive temperature detector (micro-RTD), Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (SCIE, IF 7.460), 191, 305-312 (2014.02.01) (Link)


(10) C Shin1, B Kwak, B Han, K Park*, Development of an in vitro 3D tumor model to study therapeutic efficiency of an anticancer drug, Molecular pharmaceutics (SCIE, IF 4.939), 10 (6), 2167-2175 (2013.03.06) (Link)

Before 2013

(9) S Choi1, B Kwak, B Han, Y Kim*, Competition between excitation and emission enhancements of quantum dots on disordered plasmonic nanostructures, Optics Express (SCIE, IF 3.669), 20 (15), 16785-16793 (2012.07.16) (Link)

(8) B Kwak1, H Kim, J Kim, S Lee, H Jung*, Quantitative analysis of sialic acid on erythrocyte membranes using a photothermal biosensor, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 10.618), 35 (1), 484-488 (2012.05.15) (Link)

(7) H Kim1, H Moon, B Kwak, H Jung*, Microfluidic device to separate micro-beads with various fluorescence intensities, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (SCIE, IF 7.460), 160 (1), 1536-1543 (2011.12.15) (Link)

(6) B Kim1, B Kwak, S Shin, S Lee, K Kim, H Jung, H Cho*, Optimization of microscale vortex generators in a microchannel using advanced response surface method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (SCIE, IF 5.584), 54 (1-3), 118-125 (2011.01.15) (Link)

(5) B Kwak1, H Kim, H Kim, H Jung*, An integrated photo-thermal sensing system for rapid and direct diagnosis of anemia, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (SCIE, IF 10.618), 26 (4), 1679-1683 (2010.12.15) (Link)

(4) B Kwak1, B Kim, S Song, H Kim, H Cho, H Jung*, Direct measurement of the in vitro hemoglobin content of erythrocytes using the photo-thermal effect of the heme group, Analyst (SCIE, IF 4.616),135 (9), 2365-2371 (2010.07.21) (Link)

(3) S Song1, B Kwak, H Jung*, Analysis and utilization of Joule heating in an electromagnet integrated microfluidic device for biological applications, Current Applied Physics (SCIE, IF 2.480), 9 (4), e287-e290 (2009.07.01) (Link)

(2) S Song1, B Kwak, J Park, W Kim, H Jung*, Novel application of Joule heating to maintain biocompatible temperatures in a fully integrated electromagnetic cell sorting system, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (SCIE, IF 3.407), 151 (1), 64-70 (2009.04.08) (Link)

(1) B Kwak1, B Kim, H Cho, J Park, H Jung*, Dual thermopile integrated microfluidic calorimeter for biochemical thermodynamics, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (SCIE, IF 2.489), 5 (2), 255-262 (2008.08.01) (Link)

Domestic Journal



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